ROSE ROSE ROSEのご予約(Reservations for ROSE ROSE ROSE)

■お客様にご入力いただきます情報は、すべてSSL機能(Secure Socket Layer:情報を暗号化し、プライバシー情報などを安全に送受信する機能) によって暗号化され送信されますので、ご安心ください。


After entering the necessary information, please press "Confirm the input contents".
■Please be assured that all information entered by customers will be encrypted and transmitted using the SSL function.
■We accepted requests using this form up to one month before use. After 1 month, please contact us by phone.
■Please be sure to notify us of any cancellations or changes at least 24 hours in advance. 100% refund is not possible if there is no cancellation notice 24 hours before the reservation time.

※Irregular holidays, reservation system.

※複数選択可(Multiple selection allowed)
We accept requests for this form up one month before use.
After 1 month, please contact us by phone.
*ご予約可否などをご連絡いたしますので、「」ドメインから送信するメールを ご自身のPCやスマートフォンで受信できるよう、事前に設定をお願いします。
*We will contact you about the availability of your reservation, so please set your PC or smartphone in advance so that you can receive emails sent from the "" domain.
*Please note that your reservation has not yet been completed when you receive the automated e-mail confirming that your reservation has been received.